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Your Safety Is Our #1 Priority
- Masks and overalls are provided for each player
- Before you enter the playing field we will ask for you to sign an indemnity form
- We will then go through a quick briefing of how the game works and the rules
- You will be issued with a mask, the mask buckles at the back to loosen or tighten ~ Once on the playing field THE MASK IS TO BE LEFT ON AT ALL TIMES~ They are not to be removed for any reason until you are in the safe zone
- The ‘markers’ (paintball guns) all have safety buttons, these must always be on in the safety area and the guns should always be pointed down, this is also required in the field until the Umpire says they are ready to be released
- The Umpire is on the field throughout the entire game (Cheats watch out!). The umpire is to not be shot at at all during the game
- Any firing issues please hold up the gun and the umpire will assist with any problem, again, Masks are to be left on
- Do not pick up any paintballs found on the ground, these paintballs can ruin the guns